The lavender just wasn’t working. Much better now
Weavin’ Steven
Here’s one I reworked.
Bottom jaw was too long. I also wasn’t digging the eyes and teeth. I like it much better now.
Glossy McNugget
Earthy color combo
Spring Four Word
Back to back angler fish
This one contains no blue. A rarity for me.
This one turned out almost exactly like my initial sketch.
Saturday Night Blurps
Midnight Bubblegum
Brace for Impact
Jon Burgundy
Purps Roundworth
Me and some fish…
At Sunshine and Sweet Pea’s in Virginia Beach. An amazing store and great business partner for 5+ years.
New fish with braces
Daydream Disasters
Blay Zinnwale
3 spiky fish
There are 23 spikes in this pic, find ‘em all!